Gerald Maher
Gerald has 30+ years working in criminal justice/recreation where he worked with adjudicated youth ages 12 – 18. These youth came from homelessness, gang violence, drugs, and other criminal activity. As a trainer and consultant, Gerald provided Substance Abuse Counseling for the clients, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention training for the staff, Leadership Training, Proper Restraint Procedure Training, and First Aid/CPR training for the staff.
With extensive training and certification as a Social Worker, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Specialist, Therapeutic Recreation, and as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Gerald has a long history helping to guide people to a restored life.
A member of The Bridge Church in Rogersville, Tennessee, he understands that true restoration comes only through Jesus Christ and strives everyday to interject The Gospel into people’s lives. A heart and passion for people, Gerald applies a hands-on approach in ministry to the homeless while bringing a lifetime of training and experience to bear.